Trading in your car can come with a bit of a hassle. After all, if you need to buy a new one but have to toss your old one first, you’re going to need to bring your negotiating skills to the fore, among other things. Here are a few tips on how to make sure you get the best deal:
Fix your car
Your car is likely to fetch more if it’s in great shape. Clean it up. Get rid of the dirt and grime. Washing it will do wonders and could bring back the shine and polish to your car’s body. These might mean extra cash as well as time and effort but it can boost your car’s trade-in value in a huge way, says Consumer Reports.
Get repair estimates
If you’ve got a Mercedes and want to “trade my car,” but your car needs repairs, no worries. Make sure the dealer can’t lower your car’s selling price on account of those repairs by getting estimates from trusted repair specialists. By having an idea of how much the repairs will go for, you won’t be bamboozled by dealers who might capitalize on your lack of knowledge on repair prices, overcharging you for them instead.
Consider your mileage
You can typically get more out of low-mileage cars. Check yours to make sure you know what your mileage is and if you can use it to your advantage. If you play your cards right and find the right dealer, you can trade your car in and have enough to buy the new Mercedes model you want.
Bring a friend
If negotiating isn’t your finest skill, ask yourself: “who among my pals can help me trade my car for a Mercedes?” By bringing reinforcements along, you have a better chance of fetching a good price for your car from website.