Your website is more than just an online calling card, or a placeholder for your company’s name and logo on the web – it’s a portal, a means through which you can convince visiting customers that, if they’re looking for the best way to avail of services or products in your niche, they’ve found it.
Selling an entire car online might be a bit of a stretch, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make it much, much easier for your customers. By helping them deal with the paperwork online, you can fast-track a purchase for when a customer finally does show up to your doorstep – and until then, a website can convince them why they should do business with you.
But before you get to that step, it’s important to consider how you’ll actually be getting your customers. That’s where online marketing matters.
Selling Your Brand
Sure, you know how important branding is. You’ve got your signage, posters, brochures, and maybe even a local billboard. But online branding matters just as much. Through social media, companies can establish themselves and create a basis of communication and customer care between themselves and the brand. Does a previous or future customer have a question? They can ask you on Facebook, and you can answer. And it’s all free.
If they want to know more, you can offer them your email. Automotive dealership direct mail advertising is a great way to communicate with interested customers without being a nuisance, if you’re working with a company like iPitCrew.
Targeted Ads
Then there are social network ads – companies like Facebook and Twitter have the profiles of 78 percent of all Americans, according to Statista, and a good portion of them might be interested in a car. Through a targeted ad, you can find that portion, and help them find you.
Utilizing SEO
Search engine marketing matters too. Whether or not you’ll be selling cars through your website, getting yourself found is pretty fundamental. SEO makes it as easy as possible for customers to find you – and more eyeballs means more potential sales.