Finding Used Auto Body Parts in Houston TX After a Fender Bender

by | May 16, 2019 | Auto Parts Store


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Used auto body parts in Houston TX are some of the most frequently requested components from a salvage yard. Whenever a vehicle owner gets into a fender bender that causes some auto body damage to part of the car, used parts can replace the problem area. With the application of paint to match the rest of the car, the automobile looks just like it did before the collision occurred.

Where the Parts Come From

A salvage yard selling used auto body parts in Houston TX acquires virtually any kind of passenger vehicle, paying the owners a cash amount for the equipment. These vehicles may be very old and in need of repair work that is relatively pointless for a car with such high mileage. Others have been in a collision that caused so much damage that the insurance company declared the vehicle totaled. The owner accepted the fair market value from the insurer and had the car taken to the junkyard.

Requesting Specific Parts

Customers of a business such as Apache Auto Parts may request specific items connected with manufacturers like Ford, Chevrolet, Subaru, Mazda and any others. They tell the representative the model and year of their vehicle, along with other specific features required to place the order. The representative needs to know whether the model is a sedan or coupe, for example.

On-Site Parts and Online Ordering

When someone visits a salvage yard, this person will see a large number of automobiles from which parts can be pulled. The scene might look chaotic, but the business owners have meticulous records of the vehicles they have on site. They also can order used auto parts from other businesses if they do not have what the customer wants there on the property.

These companies may accept thousands of vehicles every year, so not all of them are kept on the lot. Some are completely recycled with only the more commonly requested parts kept on site. Each business only has so much room on the property, after all. Nevertheless, they can track down nearly any component that a customer requests through online searches. Click here to get started.

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