4 Ways to Avoid Bringing Home a Lemon

by | Mar 7, 2018 | Car Dealer


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Don’t go home with a lemon. Here are tips to help you buy a used car:

Look for a reputable dealer

Scout around in the area for a used Ford dealer in Clinton TN. Not just any dealer will do, though. You want to look for one that has a reputation for providing buyers with a great selection of cars and topnotch, reliable services.

Know what you want

It’s easier to shop around when you know what you want. Before you step foot into the car park of a used Ford dealer in Clinton TN, put together a list of all the models that fit your needs and budget. Know how much their average price goes for in the market, says the NerdWallet. That way, you can tell if the dealer is overcharging you or if s/he’s really offering the car to you at a significant discount.

Be wary of pushy dealers

Don’t let yourself be pushed or bullied into making a decision there and then. Walk away. Be firm about saying no. You can spare yourself this treatment, though, when you pick a good dealership. Trustworthy dealerships often employ dealers who provide you with the information you need to make better buying decisions but don’t force you into sale that you aren’t comfortable or financially at ease with.

Check the car

Don’t forget to check the car. Give it a thorough visual inspection and look for signs of damage. Are the threads on the tires worn out unevenly? Then the car might suffer from alignment problems. Check the brake pedal. Is it spongy? That means you’ll need new brake pads. Is the paint new? That could be a move to conceal rust. By checking all these details out, you won’t have any problem finding and buying a car that’s the furthest thing from a lemon.

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